Meet the Belize Program Alumni Team
Six alumni are heading to the Diane M. Seagren Rainforest Academy in Boom Creek, Belize, to take part in an exciting pilot Advanced Leadership Program. As the first group to participate in a program at the campus, they’ll play a key role in preparing the campus for future youth groups, connecting with community members, and volunteering to support local initiatives.
Along the way, they’ll have the chance to explore the beauty and culture of Belize, experiencing its vibrant landscapes and traditions. This program is an exciting step forward for the campus, and these alumni are paving the way for its future success.
Interested in meeting alumni or sponsoring an activity? Contact us at programs@ff.international.

Aiden '23
Region: United States
"Aiden, from Norwich, Vermont, is five-time program alumnus, including one year volunteering as an alumni leader for youth programs. He appreciates FFI's program's values in youth leadership development and community service and continues returning to improve his and others' lives. For similar reasons, he has been active with Scouting America for over 10 years, recently earning his Eagle Scout honors. He is now studying Computer Science and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, hoping to one day work for NASA."
Why is it important to you as an FFI Alumni to help develop FFI Belize?:
"For an organization with “International” in its name, I believe maximum reach at minimum expense is critical. As far as I know, Central and South America are largely untapped regions globally. Having a more accessible and (relatively) local campus option that is fully operational and accessible is key to teaching youth in those areas.
Additionally, as-is, it serves as a wildly different exotic experience for other alumni. The 'physical challenge' component of the FFI curriculum is vastly expanded upon here and becomes simply an additional venue for the program for those willing to accept the challenge."
Plans to increase personal impact:
"I hope to expand my leadership abilities within the team, but primarily by working to help develop the Belize campus property, I will have felt like I’m leaving a substantial impact on posterity."

Alex '21
Region: United States
"I participated in FFI’s immersion program in 2021. I’m a senior at the University of Vermont, completing a bachelor's in elementary education. Working with Friends Forever International has allowed me to discover and pursue my passion for teaching in non-traditional settings. Seeing the engagement and curiosity that students experience during their programs is what keeps me coming back. In the future, I hope to get a job in outdoor or experiential education."
Why is it important to you as an FFI Alumni to help develop FFI Belize?:
"I have seen firsthand the impact of FFI on the communities it works with. Through these programs, people of all races, genders, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, and beyond can gain skills and confidence. The FFI RECIPE transforms community members into leaders who go on to improve their homes."
Plans to increase personal impact:
"I will increase my ability by making plans for impact and following through. I have a lot of ideas on how to impact communities, but getting them started has been the most challenging part. I feel like seeing more examples of how FFI affects communities will encourage me to go through with some of these ideas."

Elias '18
Region: Middle East
"I am in medical school and volunteer a lot, especially in hospitals. I have remained very involved since I first participated in FFI in 2018. FFI has taken my skills to the next level and shaped me into who I am today. I like to live by this quote: 'I want to be the reason for your smile.'"
Why is it important to you as an FFI Alumni to help develop FFI Belize?:
"The campus will be a very exciting opportunity for future leaders to grow and experience something new. Other alumni helped build my first program, and I want to help the programs grow similarly. This will help leaders worldwide have a place to come and grow.
I look forward to putting my touch into building programs in Belize for everyone else who gets to come next."
Plans to increase personal impact:
"I want to get stronger in finishing a challenging goal and have fun while doing it. I want to impact others by showing others that those happening together are possible."

Jessica '14
Region: Northern Ireland
Bio :
"Jessica participated in her FFI program in 2014. Back then, she was very active in her community, volunteering in youth clubs, schools, and local nursing homes. After her FFI program, her love of volunteering flourished.
Jessica went on to become a Youth Member of parliament in her local area, fighting to combat racial and sectarian divisions across Northern Ireland. Jessica then moved to Scotland to attend Dundee University, studying for a Nursing degree. During her time studying, she was awarded Inspirational Nurse of the Year.
Jessica is now an acute oncology nurse and is currently completing her specialist chemotherapy training. All the while, Jessica has stayed heavily involved with FFI; she has led 10+ programs, volunteered at each campus, is an FFE board member, spent a year volunteering with the staff, became the inaugural Josephine Lamprey fellow, and in January 2024, joined our FFI board. Her passion for FFI has grown immensely over the last 10 years, and she is extremely grateful to be a part of the integral workings of the organization as it enters into another exciting year.
Why is it important to you as an FFI Alumni to help develop FFI Belize?:
"As an FFI alumni I remember hearing the news that Leonard had so kindly donated the property to FFI. It is important to me to help develop FFI Belize for several reasons.
Firstly, as a dear friend to Leonard, I am excited to watch this campus develop and for Leonard’s vision of FFI programs to come to light in Belize. I was fortunate to visit the campus with Leonard in 20,23, and his passion for FFI and youth leadership is admirable.
Secondly, I think it’s important to grow FFI’s presence on a global level, and having a campus in Central America allows us to offer more programs to countries within that region. Our FFI Belize campus is the perfect tranquil space for individuals to visit and participate in our leadership programs and then to bring FFI back to their own communities, increasing our Global footprint.
Finally, I am excited as an FFI alumni to develop Belize as it brings a new challenge to our alumni. Living in the wild without connection to the other side creates the perfect space for creativity and discovery while challenging ourselves. I think alumni programs in Belize will help develop each alumni as an individual and also impact FFI since alumni are at the center of all our programs. When living in this environment, I know the ideas for FFI programs are endless."
Plans to increase personal impact:
"This Belize program highlights all aspects of the FFI recipe on a large scale, however for me I feel impact is the most defined component as this program will create impact on many different levels.
On a personal level, I am excited to see how the program will impact me. I really look forward to the challenges that come with the Belize environment, to being totally disconnected from my phone and other eternal pressures, and simply being present with the team. I can’t wait to face every day and embrace every opportunity that comes our way.
From an alumni’s perspective, I look forward to learning everything there from other organizations and people we meet. I know that with these interactions, we will be able to bring these new skills back to our own lives and to FFI’s programs, impacting all future participants.
Finally, on an organizational level, I am excited to help develop and progress our Belize campus so that in the future, more and more alumni and other teams will get to visit the campus, and our FFI Belize presence will grow. I look forward to the impact we can have there and the impact Belize can have on us."

Lisa '22
Region: Northern Ireland
"I am studying Fashion Buying and Merchandising at Manchester Fashion Institute and hope to work as a Fashion Merchandiser when I graduate in 2027. Outside of university, I am passionate about educational equality as I have worked for the local grammar school and recognized the extensive academic help some students require. I love working within the school system to help struggling students and make them feel determined to achieve their best at school.
I have been involved with Friends Forever since 2022, when I participated in the Ireland and Northern Ireland Immersion Program. Since then, I have completed the Advanced Leadership Program in New Orleans and returned as an Alumni Leader. Being an FFI alumnus is important to me because it allows me to be part of a community that encourages me to be my best and celebrates one another."
Why is it important to you as an FFI Alumni to help develop FFI Belize?:
"It is important to me to help develop FFI Belize. I think seeing an entirely different environment will help alumni fulfill the RECIPE in a unique setting with a considerable difference in lifestyle. Helping develop Belize will benefit the local people through the connections we make and resources we can provide as an organization, but it will help the alumni learn to become the best versions of themselves with no distractions. Getting the opportunity to help develop campus will remind alumni how fortunate we are to have access to many facilities we take for granted in our daily lives in a community where the most minimal items are appreciated. It will help develop us as people and as a team and teach gratitude and selflessness."
Plans to increase personal impact:
"I will increase my ability to make an impact by learning as much as possible before going to Belize and using that information when I am there. This means revisiting studying the Spanish language so that I can make an impact by speaking to anyone in Spanish to the best of my capabilities at this time. I will also study the local culture to understand the people I engage with and their lifestyles. Additionally, engaging the best I can with the team before I go so I can forge connections and better impact their experiences from the outset."

Natalie '18
Region: United States
"Natalie holds a Master’s in Political Science from the University of New Hampshire and has worked with FFI since 2021. Her journey with FFI began in 2018 when she participated in their empathetic leadership programs for youth. In 2019, she was honored to be the FFI Eileen D. Foley Fellow and took part in the New Orleans Advanced Leadership program that year, deepening her passion for social justice and community engagement. Since then, Natalie has volunteered with FFI initiatives in New Hampshire, across the United States, and Northern Ireland, helping empower young people to become leaders who drive positive change. Passionate about travel, Natalie recently returned from two months in the UK and Europe, where she continued to expand her global perspective. In her current role, she remains committed to supporting youth leadership development."
Why is it important to you as an FFI Alumni to help develop FFI Belize?:
"This is important to me as someone who credits much of my life experiences to FFI. Further, FFI is quite literally why I am the way I am. I am excited to see this organization grow in all aspects and to be a part of making it successful."
Plans to increase personal impact:
"My plan is to be a positive and supportive team member. This will make the trip itself much more successful and, therefore, impactful. In terms of ability, this is increased through respecting and practicing all other aspects of the FFI RECIPE. Also, always remember everything we do is for a reason."
Logistical Information
Program Focus
Campus Development, Community Engagement, Alumni Planning
Number of Alumni
Number of Leaders
1 Staff Member
Ages of Students
Team Interests
Activism, leadership, volunteering
Dietary Restrictions
100% Vegan